2020-2021 TRANSITON YEAR COURSE FOR MATHEMATICS;可选的。七年级数学加速课程是为那些对数学有特殊动机和兴趣的中学生精心设计的。七年级数学加速课程包括了七年级数学的标准,并结合了八年级数学和代数与概率的标准。完成本课程的学生有资格参加八年级数学加速班或八年级数学加速班。 Students who complete both Grade 7 Accelerated Mathematics and Grade 8 Accelerated Mathematics are considered to have met the requirements of and may opt to omit the Algebra I with Probability course in their high school mathematics progression to enroll in additional mathematics courses after completing the required Algebra II with Statistics course. This course does not count for high school credit nor does it count towards the online experience.
This course does not count for high school credit nor does it count towards the online experience.